Quote Ferocious Aardvark="Ferocious Aardvark"
Which brings me to another question or two that i think are pertinent?
1. Where was her god, and her family's god, when all this was going on, and why didn't he stop it?
2. If he couldn't, then he's not god. If he could but didn't, then he's an utter asshole who is worthy of nothing but the deepest contempt. The same contempt that I would feel for any human who had been in the perfect position to prevent the killing at no risk to themselves but chose to do nothing and let her die. Why anyone would want to "worship" and "praise" such a piece of work is the question that I can only assume all religious adherents somehow manage to fail to ask themselves.'"
In order to answer your question you need to understand the concept or sin.
The Bible tells us that the wages (punishment) of sin is death. Therefore we deserve to die as soon as we disobey God. This doesn’t happen – obviously – so we see here the patience and love of God. The fact that he lets us live at all is testament to his glory.
We should also remember that God planned the outcome of everything before he created the world. Every single electron on this planet is moving in accordance with God’s appointment. Therefore it is clear that God means everything to happen. God planned the Holocaust. God planned Dunblane. God planned 9/11.
And God planned this teenager’s tragic death.
You may find it hard to get your head around this - don’t worry, you’re not the first. However, this is reality.
So why do bad things happen? Because it is God’s righteous wrath on a disobedient people. It is not malevolent, it is just. An omnibenevolent God must be just, and God cannot simply ignore sin.